Start Here
شࠌ ृΚ!ءڇ ਐতਐق ൞հছΔᓮ֎ຑ൷!USB!ᨱᒵΔܡ ঞຌ ᧯
ױ ౨ྤऄإ ᒔڜ ᇘΖ 1
USB cable users: Do not connect the USB cable until this guide instructs
you to or the software may not install properly.
ءشࠌ ਐতࡳ ࿏᧯ࠀ ຑ൷!HP All-in-One!ࠩ൞ऱሽᆰࢨ ጻሁΖ࣠ڕ ൞ڜڇ ᇘழ࿇س ٚ۶ംᠲΔᓮᔹء ਐত࿑ ৵ऱψ!ᅸᜲ௶၌!ωΖ
Use this guide to set up the hardware and connect the HP All-in-One to either your computer or a working network. If
you have problems during setup, see Troubleshooting later in the guide.
ڶࢬ ᓄ 2
Remove all tape
Lift the access door and remove tape on the left side of the
ބ נ ሿٙ 3
Locate components
1! Windows CD
1 Windows CD
2! Macintosh CD
2 Macintosh CD
شࠌ ृਐত 3 User Guide
4! ሽᄭᒵፖሽᄭ᠏൷ᕴ
5! 4x6!
ٹ ΰ10x15!ֆ։αઌׂ 6!
٨ ٱ ᕠܚ 7! USB!ᨱᒵ
8! Ԭ֜ጻሁᨱᒵ
4 Power cord and adapter
5 4x6 in (10x15 cm) photo paper
6 print cartridges
7 USB cable
8 Ethernet cable
9 Control panel faceplate (may be pre-
HP Photosmart 2600/2700 series all-in-one
User Guide
൳ࠫ૿ ࣨ ΰױ ౨բቃ٣ᇘ ړ α !
ץ ᇘฏփ୲ױ ౨ࢬڶ ฆΖء ਐত࿑৵ᄎ ᎅ
ࣔ ࠡה ጻሁໂΖ 4
The contents of your box may differ.
Additional network equipment specified
later in guide.
HP Photosmart 2570 All-in-One series!Ԋ၆
ࠒࡾ HP Photosmart 2570 All-in-One series Setup Guide
࣋ Եཏຏػ 6
Load plain white paper
Connect the power cord
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ!ءڇ ਐত࿑৵ਐق հছΔ լຑ൷!USB!ᨱᒵΖ
USB cable users: Do not connect the USB
cable until instructed later in this guide.
HP All-in-One • 3
Press the On button
!b! ൞ਊՀψ!ం!ω
ګ ᥛॽጸᗉΖڼ መ࿓ױ ౨क़ !c!
ᓮଢ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ ༼ق ৵٦ᤉᥛΖ a After you press the On
button, the green light flashes, and then becomes solid. This
may take up to a minute.
b Wait for the print cartridge prompt before continuing.
Open the access door
٨ ٱ ᄶ೯ਮᄎฝ೯ࠩ׳ ೡΖ Lift the access door until it stops. The print
carriage moves to the right.
ܚ Ղऱᓄ 10
Remove tape from both cartridges
ࢮ ೯ృદۥ ᑑ᧘א ᐺൾڍ ! এ!٨ ٱ ᕠܚ ऱᓄΖ Pull the pink tab to remove the tape from both print cartridges.
ۥ ऱ൷រࢨ ૹᄅലᓄ၀ڃ ᕠܚ Ζ Do not touch the copper-colored contacts or retape the cartridges.
4 • HP All-in-One
ۥ ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ 11
Insert the tri-color print cartridge
ڇ ༺Ե٨ ٱ ᕠܚ հছΔᇘᆜؘႊڇ !ం!णኪΖ ᅝᇘᆜၲඔழΔ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ ᄎ׳ڇ ೡΖ a!༽۰!έՓ!
٨ ٱ ᕠܚ Δᨃ!HP!ᑑ᧘ཛՂΖ b!ല!έՓ!
٨ ٱ ᕠܚ ᆜԵᑑق ጸۥ ᑑ᧘ऱ!Ѿ !༺ᑒছֱΖ
c! ᅝ
چ ലᕠܚ ංၞ༺ᑒխΔ ऴࠩ،
ࡳࡐ ַΖ The device must be On before you can insert
the print cartridges.
When the device is on, the print carriage is on
the right side.
a Hold the tri-color print cartridge with
the HP label facing up.
b Place the tri-color print cartridge in
front of the left slot marked with the
green label.
c Push the cartridge firmly into the slot
until it snaps into place.
HP All-in-One • 5
ۥ ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ 12
Insert the black print cartridge
٨ ٱ ᕠܚ Δᨃ!HP!ᑑ᧘ཛՂΖ b!ല!༃Փ!
٨ ٱ ᕠܚ ᆜԵᑑق ႕ࡉۥ ᖪۥ ᑑ ᧘ऱ!ѡ!༺ᑒছֱΖ
c! ᅝ
چ ലᕠܚ ංၞ༺ᑒխΔ ऴࠩ،
ࡳࡐ ַΖ d!ᣂຨᕠֽ
ޓܚ ངᚾ॰Ζ a Hold the black print cartridge with the
HP label facing up.
b Place the black print cartridge in front
of the right slot marked with the black
and orange label.
c Push the cartridge firmly into the slot
until it snaps into place.
d Close the access door.
6 • HP All-in-One
إ ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ 13
Align the print cartridges
ڇ ൳ࠫऱ ޢ ଡ༼ق խਊψOK!ωא ၲࡨ ீإ ٨ ٱ ᕠܚ Ζ ீ
إ መ࿓ױ ౨ᄎक़༓։ᤪऱழၴΖ b!
٨ ٱ ீإ հ৵Δீإ ༉ጩګݙ Ζᛀီۥ ቹݮ ᧩ق ᕴא णኪΔྥ৵ਊ ψ!OK!ωΖ
࣠ڕ ீ؈إ ඓΔᓮشࠌ ཏຏػ ٦ᇢԫ ڻ Ζᓮᔹπشࠌ ृਐতρ א ᛧᇡาᇷಛΖ ڃ هࢨگ ඵᇠீإ Ζ a Press OK at each of the prompts on the control panel to start print cartridge
The alignment may take a few minutes.
b After the page prints, alignment is complete. Check the color graphics display for
the status, and then press OK. If it fails, try again with plain white paper. See the
User Guide for more information.
Recycle or discard the alignment page.
Turn on your computer
נ Ζ b!ᣂຨٚ۶ၲඔऱ࿓
ڤ Ζ a Turn on your computer, login if necessary, and then wait
for the desktop to appear.
b Close any open programs.
HP All-in-One • 7
ࢨ !Bα 15
Choose ONE connection type (A or B)
A: USB Connection - Do not connect yet
ڕ ࣠ ൞უऴ൷ലᇘᆜຑ൷ࠩԫሽᆰΔᓮ ڼشࠌ ຑᒵᣊীΖ!Ȟӵᡝࡾ Ұ ௌ໌Ϟ
ࠉ ȂϼȟȄ! Ꮑऱໂ
ڶ Κ!USB!ᨱᒵΖ !ष
ٺ Ң!VTC!ጣȂᎧ!A!ഋϷࡾޟ ҰȞ!9!ॲȟȄ! Use this connection type if you want to connect the device directly to one
computer. (Do not connect until the software instructs you to.)
Equipment needed: USB cable.
For a USB connection, go to Section A (page 9) for instructions.
B: Ethernet (Wired) Network
ڕ ࣠ ൞უڇ ᇘᆜࡉ ሽᆰհၴشࠌ Ԭ֜ጻሁᨱᒵຑᒵΔᓮڼشࠌ ຑᒵᣊীΖ Ꮑऱໂ
ڶ Κ!ႃᒵᕴ0ሁط ᕴ0ٌངᖲࡉ Ԭ֜ጻሁᨱᒵΖ !ष
ٺ ҢΚЊᆩၯᢟጣጣȂᎧ!B!ഋϷࡾޟ ҰȞ!11!ॲȟȄ! Use this connection type if you want an Ethernet cable connection between
the device and your network.
Equipment needed: hub/router/switch and Ethernet cable.
For an Ethernet cable connection, go to Section B (page 11) for instructions.
Network Setup!ΰጻሁ
ࡳ αΖ Questions: For information on how to set up a network, go to www.hp.com/support, enter Photosmart 2570,
and search for Network Setup.
8 • HP All-in-One
Section A: USB Connection
إ ᒔऱ!CD Choose the correct CD
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ Windows Users: Macintosh!
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ ڕ ڶ࣠ ᧩ق ඔ೯ ૿ΔᓮຑਊࠟՀψ!
ޟר Ⴋသ!ωΕຑਊࠟՀ!
ق Δྥ৵ຑ ਊࠟՀ!setup.exeΖ
If the startup screen
נބ !HP All-in-One Macintosh CDΖ b!ᤉᥛࠩՀԫΖ
does not appear,
My Computer, double-
click the CD-ROM icon,
and then double-click
Macintosh Users:
a Locate the HP All-in-One Macintosh CD.
b Continue to the next page.
a!༺Ե!HP All-in-One Windows CDΖ
ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐڜق ᇘຌ᧯Ζ c!
ڇ ψጣ ω૿Δᓮᒔࡳ ᙇ࠷ ψޢ ՍԪႫသωΖᤉᥛࠩՀԫΖ
a Insert the HP All-in-One Windows CD.
b Follow the onscreen instructions to install the
c On the Connection Type screen, make sure to
select directly to this computer. Continue to
the next page.
HP All-in-One • 9
Connect the USB cable
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ a!ല!USB!ᨱᒵൕሽᆰຑ൷۟ᇘᆜ৵ֱऱ!
Macintosh Users:
a Connect the USB cable from your computer to
the USB port on the back of the device.
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ a!
ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐق ၞ۩Δऴࠩ൞ࠩ༼ق ຑ ൷!USB!ᨱᒵΖ
ױ ౨ᄎक़༓։ᤪऱழၴαΖ !
נ ༼ق ழΔല!USB!ᨱᒵԫᙰຑ൷ࠩ! HP All-in-One!৵ֱऱຑ൷കՂΔྥ৵ല
ԫ ᙰຑ൷ࠩ൞ሽᆰՂऱӈ! դΙএ!USB!ஃ!Ζ
ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐق ၞ۩Ζګݙ ψ!ҳ։ຝыω૿Ζ
b!ຑਊࠟՀ!!HP All-in-One Installer!ቹ
ق Ζ c! ᒔ
ࡳ ൞ڶࢬګݙ ૿Δץ ਔψSetup Assistant ΰ
ܗ࠰ࡳ αωΖ Windows Users:
a Follow the onscreen instructions until you see
the prompt to connect the USB cable. (This
may take several minutes.)
b Double-click the HP All-in-One Installer icon.
Once the prompt appears, connect the
USB cable to the port on the back of the
HP All-in-One, and then to any USB port on
your computer.
c Make sure you complete all screens, including
the Setup Assistant.
b Follow the onscreen instructions. Complete
the Sign up now screen.
ٱ ԫٝྒྷᇢ A3
Go to back of the guide to make a test copy
10 • HP All-in-One
Section B: Ethernet (wired) network
Connect the Ethernet cable
נ ᇘᆜ৵૿ऱ႓ۥ ༺Ζ !b!ലԬ֜ጻሁᨱᒵऱԫጤຑ൷ࠩᇘᆜ৵૿ऱԬ֜ጻሁຑ൷കΖ
c! ലԬ֜ጻሁᨱᒵऱ
ԫጤຑ൷ࠩႃᒵᕴ0ሁط ᕴ0ٌངᖲΖ࣠ڕ ᨱᒵլജ ९Δ
אױ ၇ለ९ऱᨱᒵΖ !१ौȈ!ᓮլലԬ֜ጻሁᨱᒵຑ൷ࠩᨱᒵᑇᖕᖲΖ
࣠ڕ ൞բᆖຑ൷!USB!ᨱᒵΔᓮլຑ൷Ԭ֜ጻሁᨱᒵΖ a Remove the yellow plug from the back of the device.
b Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the back of
the device.
c Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the hub/router/switch. If
the cable is not long enough, you can purchase a longer cable.
Important: Do not connect the Ethernet cable to a cable modem.
You must have a working network. If you already connected the USB cable, do not
connect the Ethernet cable.
إ ᒔऱ!CD B2
Choose the correct CD
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ Macintosh!
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ a!༺Ե!HP All-in-One
Windows CDΖ
a!༺Ե!HP All-in-One
Macintosh CDΖ
Windows Users:
Macintosh Users:
a Insert the HP All-in-One
Windows CD.
a Insert the HP All-in-One
Macintosh CD.
HP All-in-One • 11
ڕ ڶ࣠ ᧩ق ඔ೯૿ΔᓮຑਊࠟՀψ!ޟר Ⴋ သ!ωΕຑਊࠟՀ!!CD-ROM!ቹ
ق Δྥ৵ຑਊࠟՀ! setup.exeΖ
If the startup screen does not appear, double-click
My Computer, double-click the CD-ROM icon, and
then double-click setup.exe.
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ b!ຑਊࠟՀ!HP All-in-One Installer!ቹ
ق Ζ c! ᒔ
ࡳ ൞ڶࢬګݙ ૿Δץ ਔψSetup Assistantΰ
ܗ࠰ࡳ αωΖ ᤉᥛࠩՀԫΖ
ٺ Ңޱ Ȉ b!
ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐڜق ᇘຌ᧯Ζ c!
ڇ ψ!ጣ ω૿Δᓮᒔࡳ ᙇ࠷ ψ!ആႆᆩၯωΖ
ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐق ၞ۩Ζ Macintosh Users:
ڶࢬڇ ऱႇ᧯ಛஒנ ழᙇᖗ! !unblock!ΰᇞೈα
ࢨ !!acceptΰ൷࠹ αΔܡ ঞڜ ᇘᄎ
؈ ඓΖࠉ ᅃڶࢬ ᘛኟՂऱਐق ၞ۩Ζᤉᥛ ࠩՀԫΖ
b Double-click the
HP All-in-One Installer icon.
c Make sure you complete all screens,
including the Setup Assistant. Continue to
the next page.
Windows Users:
b Follow the onscreen instructions to install the
c On the Connection Type screen, make sure to
select through the network. Follow the onscreen
d You must choose unblock or accept on all
firewall messages or setup will fail. Follow
all onscreen instructions. Continue to the
next page.
!Photosmart 2570!Δྥ৵ჼ༈!Firewallsΰ
־ ᛥαΖ Questions: Anti-virus or firewall programs can block software installation.
12 • HP All-in-One
ڇ ࠡה ሽᆰՂڜ ᇘຌ᧯! B3
Install software on additional computers
ڕ ࣠ ൞ऱጻሁՂڶ ࠡה ሽᆰΔᓮޢڇ ԫሽᆰՂ ڜ ᇘ!HP All-in-One!ຌ᧯Ζڜڻޢ ᇘ ழᓮᙇᖗ
إ ᒔऱ!HP All-in-One CDΖ ࠉ ᅃᘛኟՂऱਐق ၞ۩Ζᓮᒔڇࡳ ጻሁࡉ !HP All-in-One!հၴΰլਢሽᆰࡉ ጻሁհ ၴαᙇᖗຑᒵᣊীΖ
If you have additional computers on your network, install the HP All-in-One software on
each computer. Choose the correct HP All-in-One CD for each installation.
Follow the onscreen instructions. Make sure that you choose the connection type
between the network and your HP All-in-One (not between your computer and the
ٱ ԫٝྒྷᇢ Go to the last page to make a test copy
נ ψྤ! ଢ଼࢜ њ՞!ωಛஒΖ !ଢ଼հȈ!
ၲඔᚾ॰Ζ堚ೈᇘᆜᇙ૿ऱᓄΖലሽᄭᣂຨΔྥ৵ଢԫ։ᤪΖ٦ၲඔሽᄭΖ Problem: A Carriage Jam message appears.
Action: Open the access door. Remove the tape from inside the device. Turn the power off,
and then wait one minute. Turn the power on again.
HP All-in-One • 13
ڶ ߠ ᘛኟ༼ق ൞ຑ൷!USB!ᨱᒵΖ !ଢ଼հȈ!ஞ
נ !HP All-in-One Windows CDΔ٦ૹᄅ༺ԵΖᔹ! A!ຝ։Ζ Problem: You did not see the screen prompting you to connect the USB cable.
Action: Remove, and then re-insert the HP All-in-One Windows CD. Refer to Section A.
נ ψ!᠍ٺߔ Ңཱིቨᡝᆠ!ω૿Ζ !ଢ଼հȈ!ਊԫՀψ!
ڥ ੑω! Ζࢸ ൾ!USB!ᨱᒵΔ٦༺Ե! HP All-in-One Windows CDΖ ᔹ!A!ຝ։Ζ
Problem: The Microsoft Add Hardware screen appears.
Action: Click Cancel. Unplug the USB cable, and then insert the HP All-in-One Windows
CD. Refer to Section A.
נ ψ!၆ညԊ၆ฒݲ ցׇԙ!ω૿Ζ !ଢ଼հȈ!
ᛀ൳ࠫ૿ ࣨ ਢڶܡ ࡐ ᇘړ Ζࢸ Հ!HP All-in-One!ऱ༺ᙰΔྥ৵٦ല،༺ՂΖ ᛀ
ڶࢬ ຑᒵΖᒔࡳ !USB!ᨱᒵբ༺ࠩሽᆰΖᓮ֎ല!USB!ᨱᒵ༺ࠩᒌࢨ ਢሽᄭآ ၲඔ ऱႃᒵᕴΖᔹ!A!ຝ։Ζ
Problem: The Device Setup Has Failed To Complete screen appears.
Action: Verify that the control panel faceplate is firmly attached. Unplug the HP All-in-One
and plug it in again. Check all connections. Make sure the USB cable is plugged into
the computer. Do not plug the USB cable into a keyboard or non-powered hub. Refer to
Section A.
14 • HP All-in-One
ڇ բڜګݙ ᇘΔאױ ၲشࠌࡨ !HP All-in-OneΖ٨ ٱ ԫ່ٝფऱઌׂΖ a
נ ཏຏػ Δྥ৵ᇘԵ!4 x 6!ٹ ΰ10x15
!ֆ։αऱઌׂΖലઌׂऱ٠૿ཛՀΖ ല്ᓳᖞᕴฝ೯ࠩᦤऱலᢰΖ
נބ !4x6!ٹ ΰ10x15!ֆ։αऱઌׂΖ c! ലઌׂΰ૿ཛՀα
࣋ ᆜڇ ੲᑿࣨ ऱ׳ ছֱߡ ᆵΖᒔ ࡳ ઌׂऱ९ᢰऎထੲᑿࣨ ऱছֱړ࣋ ΖᣂՂ።Ζ d
HP All-in-One!ᄎᐙ
ٱ ԫٝࡨ ઌׂΖ ૉᛵᇞൕಖᖋ
٨ ٱ ઌׂࡉ ࠡפה ౨Δᓮᔹπشࠌ ृ ਐতρ
ࡉ ᒵՂᎅࣔ Ζڕ Ꮑࠡה ᎅࣔ Δᓮោᥦ! ࠌ ش ۟֟!50%!ऱݙ ٤ گڃ ֗۟֟!10%!ऱ٦ س ٱ ࠧΖ © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Printed in [].
Print a test copy
Now that you have finished setup, it is time to use your HP All-in-One. Make a copy of a favorite photo.
a Remove the plain white paper and load the
4 x 6 in (10x15 cm) photo paper. Place the paper
glossy side down. Move the paper adjusters next to
the stack of paper.
b Find a 4x6 in (10x15 cm) photo.
c Place the photo (face down) on the right front corner
of the glass. Make sure the long edge of the photo is
along the front of the glass. Close the lid.
d Press the Start Copy Color button.
The HP All-in-One makes a copy of your original photo.
To learn about printing photos from memory cards and other
features, see the User Guide and online help. For additional
Printed on at least 50% total recycled fiber with at least 10% post-consumer paper.
© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Printed in [].
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